Friday 9 November 2012

Viewpoint exercise

This exercise involved selecting one of the options and setting up a composition around that phrase.
I chose "the morning after" and looking at our backdoor on a Sunday morning (after my sisters friends had been round!)  thought the collection of empty bottle and rubbish would sum up the phrase well.

I took pictures of the items and arranged some in different ways and took pictures zooming in and out to create different viewpoints. I positioned some of the items close together and experimented with different viewpoints.

I then went onto document the visual journey in my sketchbook but selecting smaller and irregular viewfinder formats and created various thumbnail shapes. I tried to select interesting shapes and angles as I worked.  

Keeping in mind I wanted a viewpoint which represented my chosen theme I decided that a pointy irrregular framed composition would convey the almost dishevelled and almost chaotic idea of the morning after. I produced the line drawing below and tried to make the distinct elements (bottles etc) readable.


The triangle shaped format suited the word the objects illustrated, giving the topsy torvy and almost upside town like qualities. From my thumbnail sketches a variety of views suited the word however the view of the bottles and the rubbish all overlapping each other coming in from various angles I think was quite successful.
 Initially some of the images I took showed the objects all standing almost side by side and quite straight. By moving the position and placing some on their side the scen became more chaotic and appropriate for the word.
Again, this exercise is making me think about either moving to consider different viewpoints or actually moving items into different positions which can alter their meanings.


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